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1939 — plant establishment.

1940s — start-up of defence-oriented goods production such as barium nitrate, picric acid, metallic sodium and phenol.

1950s — start-up of direct, basic, acid and sulfur dyes, rubber accelerators, diphenylamine and aniline production.

1960s-1970s — development of new dye intermediates and flotation reagents; start-up of a pilot shop and the second shop for rubber accelerators production; start-up of a flocculants project; implementation of the technological process for Diameth X manufacture.

1980s — start-up of a facility for chemical and biological waste water treatment; further reconstruction and modernization of operating production.

1990s — development and start-up of acrylamide and acryalmide-based flocculants production using a biotechnological process; introduction of new chemical additives for rubber industry, antiabrasive oil additives, products for enhanced oil recovery (chromium acetate), flotation reagents for copper-molybdenum and copper-nickel ores treatment.


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