

Investment Projects

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Due to lack of financial resources for production development and need of substantial recovery of the enterprise OJSC Beraton submitted a number of investment proposals in late 2001. Specialists of our company can elaborate and detail investment projects aimed at the enterprise development given in the form of brief business plans for consideration by prospective investors. Preliminary work on the level of brief business plans is carried out for the following items:

Sodium citrate

Used in synthetic cleaners and detergents production. Partially replaces sodium tripolyphosphate, not ecologically friendly complexing agent used in synthetic cleaners manufacture. Rather promising as a non-toxic material. Demand is reported as 15,000 t per year. Competitive biotechnology is available.

Acrylamide - polyacrylamide (dry)

Used practically in all branches of the national economy. Applied as a flocculant in mining, coal, engineering, paper industries and other applications as well as a reagent in oil production for enhanced oil recovery. Demand of the oil industry is fully covered by imports - about 4,000 t per year. Total demand in Russia is satisfied by imports for 80-85 %. Demand for polyacryalamide will steadily increase with development of the national economy.


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